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噪音交易者(Noise Trader)最早提出“噪音交易者”(noise trader)概念的是Kyle(1985),Black(1986)。进一步将噪音交易者明确定义为无法获得内部信息(inside information),非理性地把噪音当作信息进行交易的投资 … Traders Way评论:Traders Way是海外的外汇经纪商,在多米尼加注册。它提供的MT4和Web交易平台等。 With you’re choosing a market leader with over 15 years’ experience bringing Forex markets to retail traders. In that time we’ve served over 200,000 traders globally. We’re committed to delivering consistently tight spreads, reliable trade execution, and innovative trading tools to help you succeed. 254 对 Paris 的 Trader's 无偏见的顾客评论。平均评分:4,5/5 提交您的评论. 填写以下表格提交您对 InstaForex 外汇经纪公司的评论。您的评论经管理员的审核后将发布于此页面。 往EarnForex.com提交对外汇经纪公司的评论,则意味着您以授权我们无偿发布、更改您的评论。请确保您输入的是有效的电子邮箱地址。

With you’re choosing a market leader with over 15 years’ experience bringing Forex markets to retail traders. In that time we’ve served over 200,000 traders globally. We’re committed to delivering consistently tight spreads, reliable trade execution, and innovative trading tools to help you succeed.

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With you’re choosing a market leader with over 15 years’ experience bringing Forex markets to retail traders. In that time we’ve served over 200,000 traders globally. We’re committed to delivering consistently tight spreads, reliable trade execution, and innovative trading tools to help you succeed.

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